KidK Mirai

Golden Admiral
Golden Admiral by @kidkourage (KidK Mirai)

Yes, yes, if I'm to keep with the 'naming the pics after the Moons' motif it should be 'Yellow Admiral,' but that sounded half like I think he's a coward and half like I think he's an exotic alcoholic beverage, so I changed it. =B This is, in case you couldn't tell, Mike-the-Brother, in his role for 'Skies of Irkadia.' He's Alfonso, Admiral of the First Fleet of the Valuan Armada. (snerk 'Armada.') This guy is a real jerk, and refuses to fight Vyse and Aika on the grounds that they're below him, and kills his vice-captain to make it look like there was a sabotage plot against him, and controls a hoarde of war beasts all named Antonio (snerk Antonio.), and...stuff. Mike is him merely based on their similarity in looks, which is...creepy (Alfy even does the same 'hair pose' as Mike! o.o;;;) But, in the parody, I told him that in Alfonso's role he'd be in the perfect place for a mage--in the forefront, but doing things sneakily to guide destiny from behind. >] He'd be the only human Admiral in the Irken version of the Valuan Empire, and since he commands the First Fleet he'd be in prime position to, as he put it, 'mess things up for the Man from da inside, yo.' 'Course, in this case 'the Man' is a woman, the Empress Miyuki, but...whatever. Mike looks so cute! He's abdorable! That's the Valuan palace in the background. Yes, Valua, being under the Yellow Moon, has yellow soil and rock. And they're the kinda decadent, technology-obsessed country in Arcadia...so their city is lit up with all bright shiny lights of many colors even though basically their country is a bleak, desolate, mountainous place where the sun doesn't shine on a regular basis. o.o; Huh. Sounds like just kind of place where a magical dude of love and justice would be quietly attempting to change things through trickery and bad special effects, huh? Muhahahahaaaaa...

I altered Alfonso's outfit a bit for Mike, changing the pink shirt and scarf for more fitting aqua ones. As I so kindly told my brother, 'You just look stupid in pink, boy.' Oh, and that's not a quote directly from the game. Alfonso's quote was much nastier, and so I made it sound more like Mike. =B Mike would say this. He really would. But he would smile and you'd believe he didn't mean any harm other than being annoyingly cheery, so that's okay.

Finished Work
20y125d ago
Other Work By @kidkourage

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Friday, 16 January, 2004 @ 12:04 AM

XD!! Yeah that does sound like Mike! Heehee... it's so shiny @_@ Beautiful awesome job as usually, Kid of Kay. I likes it! Awesome outfit. u.u And so Mike-the-Awesome-ish.

Posted: Saturday, 17 January, 2004 @ 06:23 PM

^-^ awesome KidK! I LOVE the shinyness of it all! Wheee shiney! u.u Tell Mike he has cool hair for me! -Meggo

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