V. E. Lehkonen

RoLA: Tylien
RoLA: Tylien by @veltzeh (V. E. Lehkonen)

Well, against all odds, the third time a friend of mine asked me to join his fantasy RPG, I did. I've been playing mighty 10 days and I could say it's the best RPG I've been in this far. Er, yeah, but the picture. Yes.

Tylien Taiveme'le is the name of this character. And before you call it a male, let me just make it clear: OMG it's another freaking ANDROGYNE! In addition to that, it's a crossbreed of two of the races in the RPG (Hauken and Eolan Planetarii). Hey, I did get away with it! Yes, it does have two pairs of wings. There are kind of two versions of this character. This one I'm playing in an arena setting, where the goal is to fight and become better. The other one is more of an adventure setting.

Ink. For your information, I drew tose black bars completely free hand at school without anything even resembling a ruler nearby. Yeah.

Finished Work
19y240d ago
Other Work By @veltzeh

Comments & Critiques (4)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 10 October, 2004 @ 04:30 PM

The detail in this picture is simply AMAZING. As soon as I looked at it, I was impressed with how intricate both sets of wings are. I must say, I'm very impressed. (Not to mention, I can only imagine the frustration you may have went through, if you check my gallery, I have a work somewhat like this; a Drow in ink and pencil, and it aggravated me beyond belief :p)

I really love the variations of shading you used, it makes the picture more interesting and gives it texture. I noticed you used cross-hatching on the pants, yet the tunic looks like it may be made out of a silky material. And its eyes makes it look so mysterious! This piece really caught my eye, I love it. Wonderful job!

Posted: Sunday, 10 October, 2004 @ 04:36 PM

Thank you! It wasn't exactly frustrating... it might have been if I hadn't done it in school. A boring lecture is all you need to draw something just to not be bored out of your head!

Posted: Sunday, 10 October, 2004 @ 10:38 PM

Holy crosshatching batman! Sorry. But that's the first thing that came to mind while looking at this pic. I'm amazed at the detail you've put into the shading using just lines! And those feathers! This is a very, very cool image. I'm impressed by your line-drawing skills--I can barely draw a straight line WITH a ruler! The character design is very cool--the character looks rather Native American, which is always awesome. Keep up the great work, I'm definetly impressed!

Posted: Monday, 11 October, 2004 @ 09:37 AM

LOL, thank you. Heh, it's strange... I have pretty many characters who are supposed to be American Indians and yet, when I'm NOT trying to draw one, I succeed in it. XD

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