ShadowFox Kiyjaeryin

sessho and inuyasha
sessho and inuyasha by @AMS_Lizrah (ShadowFox Kiyjaeryin)

this isn't the best version of this one, but the good one simply would not work. Ah well, this is a pic I've been working on for a while. I hope I did a good enough job to satisfy any Inuyasha fans who see this. No matter what, I can say I tried!

20y244d ago
Other Work By @AMS_Lizrah

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 08 October, 2003 @ 01:36 AM

Lovely artwork! The shading and lighting on the hair is expertly done, and I really like how you avoided using outlines on the hair by using the shading instead. I can't really complain about Inu Yasha's appearance, but Sesshoumaru's face looks a little.....flattened. The hair in some areas appears somewhat ghostly. Was this your intent? Overall, a very nice image!

Posted: Thursday, 09 October, 2003 @ 09:54 PM

Thanks for the compliment. ^^ I do hoenstly have a better version of this one, but it won't load. The other version has Sessho-Sama drawn a bit better; aka, his face has more dimension. I'm glad you like this one though.^^ I feel so loved. dances happilly

Posted: Tuesday, 09 December, 2003 @ 04:40 PM

Its an amazing drawing. One comment: Sess's face looks short, I think it might be the nose. I know there was another verison and its too bad it wouldnt load.

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