S. Park

Orca Hybrid plush
Orca Hybrid plush by @bladespark (S. Park)

I thought I'd upload a sample of my plush work. This is one of the most complicated plushes I've made so far. The design was by Riddlebox of Furaffinity. All the sewing was by me. :)

Finished Work
13y193d ago
Other Work By @bladespark

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Monday, 06 December, 2010 @ 02:06 PM
Rating: 5

o.o IT'S SO CUTE! You're a really talented seamstress!! The long blue fur on the chest is a really nice touch, and the wingfins are an awesome idea.

Do you use patterns for these (and if so, where can I get them), or do you just sew out of your head? ^^;

Posted: Tuesday, 07 December, 2010 @ 09:12 PM

[quote="Navi1101"]o.o IT'S SO CUTE! You're a really talented seamstress!! The long blue fur on the chest is a really nice touch, and the wingfins are an awesome idea.

Do you use patterns for these (and if so, where can I get them), or do you just sew out of your head? ^^;[/quote]

I never use other people's patterns, I make all my own. Some of them just out of my head, but more complicated ones like this I use the tape and paper dummy method.

You sculpt the shape you want out of wadded-up newspaper taped together. Then you cover that in saran wrap, and then in a layer of tape. You draw on any markings, and then when you cut the tape layer off, and cut it up to lie flat, you have a ready to use pattern.

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