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Concerning the reCAPTCHA sytem - Started by: BadKarma
Concerning the reCAPTCHA sytem
Posted: 02 Apr 2009, 09:48 AM

Unfortunately, yes, the CAPTCHA is, at this point in time, a permanent fixture on Side 7. This was not our initial design, but over the past month and a half, our comment system has been innundated with spam bot attacks. We had a number of site members whose images were being hit by these bots about every 30 seconds with new spam posts.

Admittedly, the CAPTCHA institution was hastily done to stop the harassment. There are bugs in its implementation that are being worked on, such as the loss of comment data if the CAPTCHA is not performed correctly. Unfortunately, because we're using a CAPTCHA service, we have no control over the two-word issue.

And, unfortunately, looking through log data, the bots are still attacking the commenting and guestbook system, but at least now they're not getting through to the members.

I apologize about this inconvenience, but it's become a necessary evil. Personally, I find CAPTCHA systems to be annoying, myself. But, unfortunately, until we come up with a better solution, this is what we have with which to work.

Comments, questions, and suggestions are welcome.

-- BK

Posted: 03 Apr 2009, 02:57 AM
This post has been edited 1 time. Last edit on 03 Apr 2009, 03:00 AM.

Furcadia has a similar problem on one of its subforums. Posters agreed CAPTCHA was annoying even if necessary. One recommended not using regular words in a picture as bots are now programmed to crack them. Another groused that the words could be illegible. Lastly, and maybe more importantly, one recommended instead. I don't know if it will work for Side 7, but it's something to think about.

Posted: 03 Apr 2009, 07:03 AM

I have to say that this is a very annoying system (at first I though I was being logged off thats why i was asked to type those key words) But if it's to fight off spam, then I will have to live with it.

Posted: 03 Apr 2009, 07:27 AM

btw this started out resently, I donno if its form the commenting system's fault? when I comment I get this message

Error: Error in: Library_global::finish Line 672 Non-Critical Error: Finish Called with no valid Statement Handle

but my comment is posted alright. Just pointing it out :)

Posted: 03 Apr 2009, 07:57 AM

Have the spam comments all come from anonymous commenters? I wonder if maybe the CAPTCHA system could only be implemented for anonymous/not logged in users? Or, if possible, perhaps a sort of honor system could be put into place? Like, logged in users have to use the CAPTCHA system at first, but when they've shown that they're not posting spam - if there's a feasible way to monitor that - then they don't have to use it anymore.

Just tossing ideas out. I did see one of the pictures that was spammed, though I do also find the text illegible at times. (Thank heavens for the refresh button on it.) I'm also a little concerned about the impact of requiring the CAPTCHA input for sending out a help request.

No easy answer, I know, and I do thank you for looking out for us, BK.

Posted: 03 Apr 2009, 07:58 AM
Furcadia has a similar problem on one of its subforums. Posters agreed CAPTCHA was annoying even if necessary. One recommended not using regular words in a picture as bots are now programmed to crack them. Another groused that the words could be illegible. Lastly, and maybe more importantly, one recommended []( instead. I don't know if it will work for Side 7, but it's something to think about.

Unfortunately, Akismet won't work for us. It's a plugin designed for WordPress, which we don't use. Plus, we count as a commercial entity, and since Side 7 isn't making any money at the moment, we cannot afford to take on any additional financial burden to obtain the Commercial API.

With regards to bots and the words, the way reCAPTCHA works is pretty interesting. reCAPTCHA does book digitization as a service. Words that the computer OCR systems cannot distinguish are used in the reCAPTCHA program. And, using the reCAPTCHA system helps to fund their service of digitizing books.

-- BK

Posted: 03 Apr 2009, 07:59 AM
btw this started out resently, I donno if its form the commenting system's fault? when I comment I get this message Error: Error in: Library_global::finish Line 672 Non-Critical Error: Finish Called with no valid Statement Handle but my comment is posted alright. Just pointing it out :)

Thanks. I had spotted that error in the error_logs, but it didn't have a reference as to from where it was coming. You've just given me the clue I needed. Thanks!

-- BK

Posted: 03 Apr 2009, 09:34 AM
Have the spam comments all come from anonymous commenters? I wonder if maybe the CAPTCHA system could only be implemented for anonymous/not logged in users?

BRILLIANT! That's a great compromise. I'll get right on that.

No easy answer, I know, and I do thank you for looking out for us, BK.

My pleasure.

-- BK

Posted: 03 Apr 2009, 10:33 AM

I've updated the CAPTCHA system such that it will only show if you're not logged in.

Please let me know if there are any problems.

-- BK

Posted: 04 Apr 2009, 06:44 AM
btw this started out resently, I donno if its form the commenting system's fault? when I comment I get this message Error: Error in: Library_global::finish Line 672 Non-Critical Error: Finish Called with no valid Statement Handle but my comment is posted alright. Just pointing it out :)
Thanks. I had spotted that error in the error_logs, but it didn't have a reference as to from where it was coming. You've just given me the clue I needed. Thanks! -- BK

always willing to help :)

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