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Arr Matey! - Started by: BadKarma
Arr Matey!
Posted: 24 Sep 2006, 10:14 PM

Weekly Challenge - 24 September - 30 September

This week's challenge is an exercise in point of view, and Pirates are the order of the day!

The Challenge: Create a picture capturing life on board of a pirate ship. However, the image needs to be from the viewpoint of one of the pirates, observing the other activities. The observer can not be an inactive bystander. There needs to be evidence that the observer is part of the action in some way.

Extra Credit: Pick a point of view that is very out of the ordinary. For example, a view from the crow's nest.

Due Date: All submissions must be posted to this thread by midnight, Saturday, 30 September. Comments and critiques are invited and encouraged at any point during the challenge.

Good luck! Oh, and AHOY!

-- BK

Posted: 25 Sep 2006, 08:03 AM

sound slike fun!! I hope I make it

Posted: 26 Sep 2006, 03:51 PM

used to like doing challenges on here... been awhile.. lol... I like the idea this time, not sure if i have enough time.. but if i do, I know where to post it.. =P

Arr Matey
Posted: 28 Sep 2006, 01:40 PM

Yaiks! Sounds tricky, but loads of fun:) Hope I have enough time to have a go...

Posted: 28 Sep 2006, 02:11 PM

Two and a half days left! :D

-- BK

Posted: 29 Sep 2006, 07:06 PM

One day left.

Hm. I have to say I'm suprised at how little response there has been to this Challenge, especially after how much interest there seemed to be.

Is everyone just busy? Or did I pick a Challenge that wasn't interesting enough?

Basically, I'd love to see the Weekly Challenges become a staple feature, and would love to improve them. So, any input anyone has would be really awesome. :) Let's make this something fun that everyone looks forward to.

-- BK

Posted: 29 Sep 2006, 07:26 PM

I just had a lot of big projects due this week so I didn't have time. I was planning on participating next time :)

Posted: 30 Sep 2006, 12:22 AM
i dont like pirates D:
thats my reason =/
RE: Arr Matey!
Posted: 30 Sep 2006, 03:40 AM

I thougt that it was an interesting challenge, but I just don't have time to make a proper attempt:( I did a sort of quick sketch but it didn't end up too good but anyway here it is:

Posted: 30 Sep 2006, 03:54 AM

Looks nice, Krokneze. :) Good work. I like the bluish cast to everything. It makes it look almost like a picture from a dinner plate. Is there anything which needs improvement? Most likely, but I'm in no condition to pick for nits right now. :P

Don't worry too much, Bad Karma. On the old forums, sometimes more than one week would pass before someone could post anything.

Posted: 30 Sep 2006, 06:34 AM
I thougt that it was an interesting challenge, but I just don't have time to make a proper attempt:( I did a sort of quick sketch but it didn't end up too good but anyway here it is:

very nice picture you got there. I like the cloring you used. Is it watercolor? looks like it as for me.. i tried once but I quit.. looks like my patience sucks lately

RE: Arr Matey!
Posted: 30 Sep 2006, 08:48 AM

It's actually normal blue writing ink. I think it gives a better look to it then water colour. (I hate the stuff) I hadn't meant to do anything but draw but it looked so bad as just a drawing that I had to colour it with something and I like the effect ink gives. Hides the crappy drawing quality:D

Posted: 30 Sep 2006, 09:00 AM
Looks nice, Krokneze. :) Good work. I like the bluish cast to everything. It makes it look almost like a picture from a dinner plate. Is there anything which needs improvement? Most likely, but I'm in no condition to pick for nits right now. :P

I know what needs improvement: the "pirate" in the front. Thats gotta be one of the poorest images of a pirate in the universe. Oh well it's just to be expected I suppose because I never draw humans, usually I stick to Furry. So please, ignore the guy in the front. Look at the lovly seagulls instead:D

Posted: 30 Sep 2006, 09:47 AM

I think the pirate in front looks fine. I like the watercolor effect the ink gives the picture. Incidentally, that was similar to the image that jumped into my head when I read the challenge, though more interesting.

I never actually participated in the weekly challenge before - though I tried once - but what turned me off was the statement in the rules that, "rough sketches" weren't allowed. I think I understand what was meant by that, but it did give me the impression of polished, and that wasn't what I got out of the weekly challenge before and is just too much work for me to put into a random drawing, especially one done only for fun. Also, this week's challenge was at its core a bit time-consuming, given that we were supposed to depict an entire scene. Simple little sketches I can do, but I have so many projects going on and other ideas in my head that I just don't have the time for something so large, even if it only goes so far. (And I have the sometimes annoying tendency to insist on finishing anything that comes out remotely well.)

Anyway, just thought I'd give another perspective as to lack of participation. Personally, I would omit the line in the rules about quality of submitted work, or at least alter it to sound more user-friendly, e.g., "No, it doesn't have to be a fully finished picture, but we're not looking for stick figures here." Highly unprofessional sounding, but I just woke up.

Posted: 30 Sep 2006, 08:05 PM

Darn, saw it too late, else I would've slaved to get my pic I was working on (already had a pirate girl drawing in the making) done, too bad, but well, it's just that. Better luck next time

RE: Arr Matey!
Posted: 01 Oct 2006, 04:28 AM

This is great! I love their expressions and the intro text as well:D Anything that needs improving?....well the parrots right wing is maybe a little big but I only saw this after staring at the pic for quite a while. Anyway I think it's bril:)

Posted: 01 Oct 2006, 03:19 PM

anthro pirates why didnt i think of that?? hmm anyway great picture I like the guy's epression and the dude's hand really gives a feeling atht we're seeing from a pirate's eye

RE: Arr Matey!
Posted: 02 Oct 2006, 10:01 AM

Sooooo are we having another one? A weekly challenge I mean? Or has the idea gone off? I personally thought that these were a great idea, and would love to see more of them. Even though I may not be able to do one every week. I bet that there will be more interest in them after a while when it becomes a rutine thing and everybody gets their act together.

Oh and by the way even though it doesn't really have anything to do with this: does anybody know when the search is coming back online?

Posted: 02 Oct 2006, 12:12 PM
This post has been edited 1 time. Last edit on 02 Oct 2006, 12:13 PM.
Sooooo are we having another one? A weekly challenge I mean? Or has the idea gone off? I personally thought that these were a great idea, and would love to see more of them. Even though I may not be able to do one every week. I bet that there will be more interest in them after a while when it becomes a rutine thing and everybody gets their act together. Oh and by the way even though it doesn't really have anything to do with this: does anybody know when the search is coming back online?

We're having another one. I just couldn't get to the forums yesterday. I'll be posting the new challenge today.

RE Search: Do you mean the forums search, or the main site search? Forums search will be coming soon. Site search will be coming with Side 7 v4.

-- BK

Posted: 02 Oct 2006, 01:27 PM
We're having another one. I just couldn't get to the forums yesterday. I'll be posting the new challenge today. RE Search: Do you mean the forums search, or the main site search? Forums search will be coming soon. Site search will be coming with Side 7 v4. -- BK

I was meaning the Side 7 search. So have you got any idea when v4's coming into action? I don't mean to sound impatient or anything I'm merely courious:)

Posted: 02 Oct 2006, 03:32 PM
I was meaning the Side 7 search. So have you got any idea when v4's coming into action? I don't mean to sound impatient or anything I'm merely courious:)

Hehe. No, no. Side 7 v4 has been a long time coming. Unfortunately, my current employment had effectively put that on hold. Equally as unfortunate, my job is being terminated at the end of this month due to a lack of company funding. The end result: quite possibly more time so that I can get Side 7 v4 up and launched, and a mad scramble to try to find new, gainful employment that will pay the bills.

So, long story short, I do not have, at this time, a planned launch date. However, with current events, a launch date is now foreseeable, whereas for the past 2 years, it has been impossible.

-- BK

Posted: 03 Oct 2006, 12:29 AM

Bah.. I started an image.. but I got busy and totally forgot to finish mine and missed the due date. rofl.. :X

Too bad since I really liked this subject - Maybe next time i'll mark it in my calender. ;x


Posted: 03 Oct 2006, 09:06 AM
Hehe. No, no. Side 7 v4 has been a long time coming. Unfortunately, my current employment had effectively put that on hold. Equally as unfortunate, my job is being terminated at the end of this month due to a lack of company funding. The end result: quite possibly more time so that I can get Side 7 v4 up and launched, and a mad scramble to try to find new, gainful employment that will pay the bills. So, long story short, I do not have, at this time, a planned launch date. However, with current events, a launch date is now foreseeable, whereas for the past 2 years, it has been impossible. -- BK

Okidoki thanks for the info and good luck with finding another employment!:D

Posted: 03 Oct 2006, 11:09 AM
Okidoki thanks for the info and good luck with finding another employment!:D

Not a problem, and thanks!!

-- BK

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