@Freiz || Profile
Freiz Virtu

@Freiz (Freiz Virtu)
Last Seen:
It's been a while...
15 April, 2004
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
01 March, 1988
Freiz turned 36 this year.
The oak tree in the northeast corner to the right, Unspecified
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Hello...I am Freiz (pronounced like the word phrase), the false-virtued, philosophical junk collector. I also happen to be a 16 year old girl. I like oranges, but not as much as I like chocolate and ice cream.

Um...this is my first online gallery. Well, sort of, anyway, as I kinda set up my own on my website...yeah.

So, let's see, before February 2004, I hadn't picked up a pencil and drawn in nearly 2 years. Then...I picked up a pencil and drew again. Woo, go me! Not only did I pick up a pencil, but I started to do computer art as well. So...I haven't been into this for all that long...nor do I have one of those nice fancy programs like Photoshop or any of those nice pretty tablets...but I make do.

Did I say I like oranges yet? You know, the seedless ones save a lot of time.

Ah...what else...um, well, I play on the game Furry Paws, so if you know me, great, go you! If not, well...sucks to be you! Ha ha, not really. Hey, and if you decide to join...say you were referred by #791. (That's me) Yes, yes.

Don't eat mangoes.

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