@PocketSizedOwl || Profile
Hikari Taniyama

@PocketSizedOwl (Hikari Taniyama)
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26 January, 2009
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27 September, 1994
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Georgia, Unspecified
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Well... Let's see... I've never been good at just writing things about myself >_< But I'll give it a shot anyway :D My name is Hikari and I'm 14 years old. I mainly draw in anime/manga style, but lately Ive been trying to get a little more into realism (which I haven't done so well at yet >.>) Drawing and writing have been such big parts of my life since a very young age. Although I drew horribly when I first started (but I WAS in kindergarden/first grade, so I would think everyone would XD) and sometimes I still draw TERRIBLE things, I have gotten a lot better over the past few years (since being in middle school) Another thing that has become a huge part of my life recently is music. In sixth grade, I was in chorus, but I didn't really like the teacher, and I really wanted to learn how to play an instrument, so the next year in seventh grade I started band instead of chorus. I chose to play flute. My dad got me a cheap ass flute off of ebay a few weeks before school started, and I practiced and practiced and practiced Our school has a beginning seventh grade band, but all of my friends were in the advanced seventh grade band, and I really wanted to be with them. So I worked really hard in the first quarter of that school year, and in just the second quarter, I was in the advanced band. By the second semester, I was in the group of band students representing our school at festival. This year, I tauditioned at the level one All-State auditions. I didn't make it to the second round to make All-State, but I did make district. At first it didn't really seem like enough and I was pretty pissed, but now that I think about it, I'm actually sort of(I can't believe I'm going to say this) proud of myself. I am now second chair in my section. My brother started band in sixth grade this year playing alto saxophone, our older brother played alto in high school. So I play that sometimes too. I've been trying to play piano and guitar lately (withough much success =/ ) and I really want to learn how to play violin, cello, and string bass, along with trumpet.

Alright. I am 14, but I am pretty short for my age. Everyone keeps saying I'll grow, but if I do it'll more than likey only be about one or two more inches, seeing as my mom is only 5 feet even. Here's some physical things about me. Height: 4'11" Hair colour: Brown. And my friend Amy said I have blond highlights in it... Idk. I have found strands of hair that are many different colours but, yeah. Eye colour: Brown. I wish I had like... Ice blue eyes XD Although this one time Amy said my eyes turned blue once when I got really mad O_o Shoe size (couldn't think of anything else XD): Well... There seems to be different sizes for boy and girl shoes...Which makes absolutely no sense, it's just confusing... But yeah... Girls shoes= 61/2- 7 Boys shoes= 4 1/2- 5 (I've had the same shoe size since 4th grade [10 years old] and I'm now in 8th grade [14 years old] XD)

So yeah... There's some useless information about me for you all :D

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