@Rin || Profile
Alexie Nystrom

@Rin (Alexie Nystrom)
Last Seen:
It's been a while...
01 July, 2002
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
12 May, 1988
Rin turns 36 this year.
Ontario, Unspecified
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Takes a deep breathe
Okay...Alot has changed since I've last posted. My whole frame of mind has rearranged itself. I'm drawing so much more better lately (still not THAT good..but better).

I came back because I really wanted to try some art trading. So if you have some spare time...hint hint

My art is not in colour for the most part because I have a really cheap photo editor that doesn't really work, so I can't really colour, except with pencil crayons. But I will if I have to!

As for me as a person. Well, I'm shy, quiet (unless I'm voicing my opinion) and dulusional. I don't like humans as a whole because they are panicy, cruel, dirty, ingorant and they like to attack in packs (plus they think they are the smartest animal which makes them better then everything else)
If I ever find someone who doesn't seem to have much friends, I like to try and befriend them. Although I don't have much friends myself. But I never really wanted to be popular, so it suits me just fine.

Art has always been my greatest interest. I try desparetly to improve in every way I can when drawing. You can hurt me in any way, I don't care as long as you don't touch my drawings. I find that if I don't draw for I while I become depressioned and aggitated. I need to get my thoughts down on paper or the things in my mind will grow. Remember, I'm still trying to improove.

...I'm not a "black sheep", but I am a dark gray one. (that likes icecream and chocolate)

(I eat ankles, beware)

And just remember, kiddies, you may hate to be human, but hate is a human emotion. Whee!

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