@UmbraBorealis || Profile

Last Seen:
7h22m ago
24 February, 2024
Trans* Male
He / Him / His / Himself
28 April
Commissions & Art Trades
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Sketches - $5,
Inking - $10,
Flat color - $20,
Full shading - $35
(Waist only currenty)
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Hi! I'm Umbra, I'm in my 20s, am trans-masc and I'm in a digital artist with a huge variaty of interests. I love colorful, whimsical and retro stuff a lot and I'm a huge nerd with a lot of useless trivia floating in my head. I have ADHD and english is my second language so typos are often because of that. I specialize mostly in drawing furry (sonic) stuff along with fantasy animals, monsters and just about anything not completey human as long as it's not a super complex mech.

My main project at the moment is a huge Sonic AU called Elements of Chaos, long bouts of inactivity is just me working on stuff behind the scenes! If you would like weekly updates though, I have a website with a page dedicated to it. The website itself isn't done yet but that'll come in time. This page will feature the occasional sneak peak, doodle, sketch, etc of upcoming artwork or writing and updates every sunday~ https://umbra-borealis.neocities.org/blog

Latest Journal Entry
Update - Get a sketch from me! (+life stuff)
23 Apr 2024, 01:10 PM

As the disclaimer on my page says, yes, I'm inactive for a while and yes it means I'm still alive and just working on stuff. On my other socials like twitter and Bluesky I post the occasional doodle or sketch but on here, that stuff usually goes to the scraps and you don't get notified when scraps are posted so I just... don't see the point? I guess? So it's not like I'm not working on anything, on the contrary!

Though, I DID have a rough two weeks and on top of that I have my birthday in like 5 days (it's on April 28th) and I kind of just want to take the days as they come, doing whatever comes to mind when it does. So far it's been working. I used my angry and upset moments to work on a Dark Sonic illustration but it's not done yet and since I only work on it as a way to vent my anger, it wont be done for a while (hopefully, lmao) I also have some pikmin related ideas I'm toying with. I know what you're thinking 'Pikmin? Seriously?' but yeah, a year ago Pikmin 4's release was around the corner and a year ago I took a big break, of about a month or so. I liked posts on twitter and that was about it. My way out of it was to interact with an entirely new community in small ways and that was the Pikmin community. It was because of the Pikmin series that I somehow found my way back into drawing, working on bigger projects and as I rolled back into Sonic in the following months I had the confidence to attempt writing a bigger project.

Life is a bitch right now, I'm hoping I can publish, yes, PUBLISH (woohoo!) the first chapter of Elements of Chaos by Sonic's birthday and anniversary or whatever you see it as. I cannot make any hard promises because like I said, life is a major B right now and none of it is my fault or my doing so it's kind of out of my hands, hence my 'I'll do things as they come' attitude for the time being.

Also, another art website, Inkblot, is hosting an art drive. If you subscribe to their kofi or donate a minimum of 10$ you get a free sketch (no color) from a random artist (Don't worry, they do pair your blorbo with an artist that can actually draw them. Furry characters are done by furries etc.) I know this because I am a volunteer myself! Wee! For more info here's their Twitter, they have info links in pretty much all recent posts.


Oh and because I'm one of the very few artists consistently known for drawing Sonic content in the Inkblot Discord (no idea what it's like on the actual website) if you request your Sonic OC there's a slight chance it'll end up yoinked by me. Dunno if I'm supposed to say that, but anything for a good cause eh? ;)