@bawdabaw || Journal Entry

Settling In
11 Nov 2023, 10:04 PM

Alright, got a few things in my gallery, feeling like I'm getting the hang of everything. I'll slowly upload the rest of my stuff over the next several days. It's not a lot but all at once, it kinda is. So, I won't spam and I'll try to keep it steady.

A few things to discover:

• I don't know how to tag my stuff. So currently, none of the pieces have tags. I'll try to figure it out. I'm sure I saw a tutorial mentioned somewhere.

• I saw during uploading that I could make folders for my artwork, particularly the serialized comics. I'm not sure how many of those are allowed. The whole gallery will basically be Suds and Suits themed, so, it might be easier to make folders for "things not Suds and Suits." But a lot of my work are individual panels of comics. I come from Tumblr, where you essentially just scroll to get to the next panel. And I make so many comics that are not connected, they're just short stories and scenes, so, I'm not sure if THAT is what the serial folders are for.

Little things I'll probably get the hang of by poking around and pick up over time. Anyway, I'm very happy to have found this place. Hoping to make some good artist friends.

Comments (2)

Posted: Sunday, 12 November, 2023 @ 02:43 PM

Welcome to the site!

  1. Adding tags to your uploads is pretty simple. On the main upload page as well as on the edit page, just under the description box, you can put a comma-separated list of tags.

  2. You can create as many serials folders as you need. Once you have a serials folder set up, you can view everything in that folder in a more traditional web comic style.

Hope that helps, and that you enjoy the site!
-- BK

Posted: Sunday, 12 November, 2023 @ 06:09 PM

Note also that while tags aren't case-sensitive for searching, they are registered in the database with the capitalization of their very first use, which is applied to every subsequent invocation. If you're pedantic like me and goof on a character name, you can ask @BadKarma to adjust it manually.

They're also incredibly flexible for casual searches, so while there doesn't seem to be a hard limit on total tags, you can opt to economize around fewer but more specific labels ("old man" v. "old"/"man" &c.).

Regarding Serials, while the upload form only lets you submit to one at a time, you can add a work to multiple serials in gallery management the same as Portfolios, so you can run separate tracks for the "main" story, the asides, and everything together. There used to be a link in a work's description that switched to the Serial UI when accessed from the main gallery, but I don't see it now – @BadKarma possible bug?

(That could only handle one at a time: it linked to whichever serial the work was last saved to.)

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