@dubird || Profile
Du Bird

@dubird (Du Bird)
Last Seen:
It's been a while...
29 March, 2002
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
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Edit 1/2013: Some of you may have noticed the large gap in upload dates. Truth is, I do a lot here since the free accounts are so limited. So I tend to forget about this from time to time. ^_^; If you want to see more art, you can check out my devart page, or just keep an eye on this where I'll upload some of my favorite pieces when I remember to!

Dubird has been around since 1978, though not in a form most online would recognize. She started life in Arkansas, but finally bit the bullet and moved to Texas. She hopes one day to become a famous website designer, creating layouts and graphics for lots of people. In the meantime, she works as a typesetter and graphics designer for a local copy shop.

As for what she likes to do in her spare time, she reads, plays computer games, watches Mythbusters, and plays around with lots of types of graphics. She wishes she could draw better, but is happy with her mad CG skills and always looking to learn new techniques. She has tried her hand at webcomics (and really needs to finish the current storyline), and has recently gotten interested in doing game mods.

Dubird uses JASC Paint Shop Pro for all her computer art. She uses a plain sketch pad and pencil for the sketches, and if she decides to do an image completly on paper, uses colored pencils or a simple ink pen to finish it.

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