Jolyn Ferguson

SilverWing Skyblaze Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

SilverWing is a female sable shetland sheepdog 17 year old student attending high school in the 11th grade. Her life has been filled with a lot of surpirses so far, and they by far are most definitely not all good. Just recently she lost her boyfriend of almost 3 years due to her own stupidity - she wishes more than anything to be with him again because of her strong love for him, but she knows it isn't possible now because she's messed up so much. She also recently attended a mental asylum for a suicide attempt after losing her boyfriend and because of a build-up of very difficult things. However, she's out now, and realizes her life -IS- worth something.

She has some very wonderful friends that have kept her alive through some very difficult times. She's very quiet and shy, and has very low self esteem. She always thinks the worse of herself and of a situation, and has many a time wished that she was dead. She would have killed herself had it not been for her loving friends and supportive family, and she is forever grateful to them. She still has many depression episodes that can last for months on end, and in general, she's never happy, and if by rare chance she gets happy the feeling usually only lasts for about 10 minutes.

SilverWing is mostly agnostic, if you were to classify her, even though she also has some ateistic viewpoints. She strongly dislikes religion and has come to her conclusion about faith after many years of questioning. She is very against conformity, and dislikes many things, too many to name here, but especially dislikes preps, boy and girl "bands", country music, rap, r&b, and anything else mainstream. She also strongly dislikes posers and homophobic people, and people that copy her and are unoriginal.

(Image © Elena-Gil-Chang)