Jolyn Ferguson

Anima Stormblade Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Anima is a blue dragon 21 year old male. He is very different from anyone else you will ever know. His childhood past was horrible, and isn't suitable to be posted here, but we can just say that it traumatized him for life.

Anima finally snapped and eventually ran away from home after eating his mother and sister. (For reasons that are too long and graphic to get into). Yes, Anima is a cannibal. He hates everything and everyone except for a couple VERY few people, his lover Lucreito is one of them (he's gay) and his good friend Mike is another. Otherwise he prefers to have nothing to do with anyone ever, unless he's going to torture them and perhaps eat them.

Anima is very messed up in the head and is a manic depressive but not on any medication as he probably should be. He's very sadomasochistic, and constantly hurts himself. Hardly a day passes where he doesn't pick up a knife or some other sharp object to cut himself with. He's a very strong atheist, and you would be too if you had gone through what he's been through. However, he does sometimes experiment with some Satanistic rituals with his lover Lucreito, because that's Luc's faith. He doesn't believe it tho, he just goes along.

Basically, he's one of those people that should be locked in an asylum but are running free.

Anima is the part of SilverWing that is everything she hates about herself, the masochistic part of her, the low self esteem, the morbid, the hateful...

(Image © Jolyn Ferguson)