The Wizard Of Zaar

Exterminator by @The-Wizard-of-Zaar (The Wizard Of Zaar)

'My people learned long ago. You can be the scourge of the universe, or the victim of it." - Eraam who travels the shining path.

Piracy is a way of life for the Rahashi, and this is no different for Eraam.

Skilled with a variety of weapons, a skilled swordsman, knife fighter and brawler. He is trained in boarding actions and breaching hulls; he has lived his entire life in space. Moving about in open space is second nature to him and he is a jack of all trades in the day to day living in space- Being a helpful guy to have around, and like Hilibi- Always eager to help and learn. He is also the ships cleaner, constantly sweeping, mopping and vacuuming with a smile.

Though most on the crew are aware this isn't out of the kindness of his heart.

Like other Rahashi; Eraam is incredibly strong. Moreover he possesses the ridiculous physical toughness and resilience of the Rahashi biology; tough skin and muscle, a hard regenerative cartilage skeleton instead of more a conventional bone structure; near inexhaustible stamina. Rahashi have a natural aptitude for dexterity and hand eye coordination, and though no more or less agile or quick than a Gaian... Rahashi swim through zero gravity like an aquatic animal in water. His species also possess a high resistance towards radiation.

Eraam's primary function on the ship is simple; combat and messy work. He is the ships exterminator; whether it means killing vermin such as rats and hull mites... Or taking care of unwanted visitors.

Where Sokisa defends the ship in her fighter craft.

Eraam fights terror with terror within the ship, and on it's bow.

He defends the ship and it's crew with zeal and brutality... For a price.

Mature (V)
Finished Work
139d4h ago
Other Work By @The-Wizard-of-Zaar

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