Processes pertaining to abuse or misuse of the Codes of Conduct

In cases of abuse or misuse of the Codes of Conduct (both the membership's and Side 7 personnel's), all incidents will be carefully investigated. The investigation will determine the events that occurred, the type of infraction, and the severity of the actions. We understand that sometimes one makes a simple mistake, and we will take that into consideration.

For Simple Mistakes, The Following Will Occur:

For Everyone
  • A simple written reminder of the rules or code of conduct in question will be given.
  • If repeated "simple mistakes" happen, escalation to "minor infraction" will occur.

For Minor Infractions, The Following Will Occur:

For Side 7 Personnel
  • On first offense, a warning and potential 5 day suspension of duties will occur.
  • On second offense, a 10 day suspension of duties will occur.
  • On third offense, dismissal from status of Side 7 personnel will occur.
For Side 7 Members
  • On first offense, a warning and potential 5 day suspension of account will occur.
  • On second offense, a 10 day suspension of account will occur.
  • On third offense, possible termination of account may occur depending on infraction. Otherwise, 15 day suspension of account will occur.
  • On fourth offense, account termination will occur.

For Major Infractions, The Following Will Occur:

For Side 7 Personnel
  • On first offense, a 15 day suspension of personnel duties will occur, and continued status as Side 7 personnel will be questioned and considered.
  • On second offense, dismissal from status of Side 7 personnel will occur, along with potential termination of site account.
For Side 7 Members
  • On first offense, a 15 day suspension of account will occur.
  • On second offense, a 30 day suspension of account will occur; potential termination of account will be considered depending on situation.
  • On third offense, immediate account termination will occur.

For incidents of sexual harassment or retaliation, immediate dismissal from being Side 7 personnel and immediate account termination for Side 7 members will occur. Additionally, law enforcement may be notified of the incident and all evidence turned over.