Tactical Yoshi

Imperial Priest
Imperial Priest by @Tactical_Yoshi (Tactical Yoshi)

I decided to try drawing one of my favorite Imperial Guard Priest models. A basically used the model as a reference until I got to the face and the eviscerator (chainsaw-sword). The priest was supposed to be quite devoid of hair... but the pic looked boring that way so I decided to go for the more 'grizzled old coot' look.

As for the chainsaw... the model I was drawing had a more sword-like chainsaw... I wanted it to look more chainsaw-like than sword-like so yah... there's my attempt. Next time, I draw with a ruler. =P

I'm a little dissappointed by the pose and the fingers. Number one... he looks a bit too stiff... a problem I usually always have in my pics. ;_; Number two, he looks like he's playing baseball or something. I kinda wanted to get a good shot of the eviscerator without blocking half of it off with the priest's head or arms... I'll do better next time.

If there's anything I missed PLEASE tell me... I'm a big boy and can accept well thought out criticisms just like the rest of ya'll.^_^

Thanks for looking!

Teen (V)
Rough / Concept
20y130d ago
Other Work By @Tactical_Yoshi

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