Miguel Castaneda

Original Dyzenos Cover 2
Original Dyzenos Cover 2 by @migucast (Miguel Castaneda)

The original second chapter cover to Dynamic Destroyer Dyzenos, I decided to replace it with a more generic cover due to not only being a bit silly... Yeah. It's also a tad misleading. Created not long after the original cover, it, like the original cover gives one the impression that the cockpit is in the center of the craft like a mobile suit. And that in and of itself also misrepresents the size of the unit. Now, I'm no "scientician", so I don't really have any real world size specs for the unit, but I'd say it's closer to Mazinger size than Gundam or Aura Battler size, which is what this makes it look like. Of course, the primary source of the confusion is the cockpit like thing on its chest. The actually cockpit is closer to the stomach and is not readily visible or apparant. As for the cockpit-like encasement, that is actually a temporary cover for the Gravity Wave Motion engine and general chest cavity. Prior to the robot's first use, the final chest plating, which contains the Gravity Wave Blaster weapon which hooks directly into the engine and is essentially the unit's basic "Breast Attack" was not yet completed. The cover was installed to keep the machinery protected from the elements but is not re-enforced or armored in any way. Obviously, the robot is not "battle worthy" when it is first used, but that's what Psycho Commands and dumb luck are for! XD As for artwork showing the final chest assembly, that won't turn up until it's formally introduced in the manga itself.

And yes, the SRW battle screen was on purporse.

Finished Work
15y80d ago
Other Work By @migucast

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