John Rios

Rock Band Part 1
Rock Band Part 1 by @deaddays (John Rios)

Hey everyone! I got something for ya..... YEAH YOU GUESSED IT IT'S A NEW DEAD DAYS!! Yah, yah, I know, it's short, (They can't all be double decker gems you know) BUT THAT'S BECAUSE THERE'S GONNA BE 3 OF THEM! Once in a while, I have too many punchlines, so I have to divide 1 premise into more than one comic. This is cool, because my newspaper runs M/W/F and I can run a small Dead Days everyday that week, instead of 1 a week! In a way, it's more Dead Days for your buck! 4 panels more to be exact. Even though there's no "bucks" involved. Well, I guess the paper does pay me... minimally. The bastards. But it's ok, because I wouldn't rather be doing anything else in the world right now! YAY! Part 2 coming at ya soon! Thanks as always for view-ing! -John Artwork © Copyright 2003 John Rios

Teen (LO)
Finished Work
20y356d ago
Other Work By @deaddays

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