Daisy le Toast

Achtung... by @small_frosted_creature (Daisy le Toast)

More sketchy. Three of the six septuplet smeets i have floating around my house. A friend has the seventh one ... e.e; Don't ask. They're actually still pretty tiny, but they're more fun to draw when they're older, because there are only so many interesting baby poses, you know?

Hokay soh, Aster loves physics and likes to experiment with Stuff. See her lip-biting glee! Jin is her official assistant, and for some reason, Freddy is their perpetual test subject. I'm not sure why they pick on him. Probably because he never complains, and somehow manages to walk away from everything relatively unscathed. I don't really understand that, either.

I also don't understand what i was doing with the steps there, because i definitely did them like that on purpose, but i really have no idea what i was thinking when i did that. But i DO know that i DIDN'T forget their paks this time; they really just don't HAVE any, because they were born naturally - well, sort of - and therefore can survive without them.

...Woo and yay for crazy fancharacters.

In conclusion, Aster's control pad looks like an Atari joystick. :D

Rough / Concept
19y251d ago
Other Work By @small_frosted_creature

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