Violet Whirlwind

Kana'arrii Species Study
Kana'arrii Species Study by @VioletWhirlwind (Violet Whirlwind)

A drawing of a species of semi-anthro canines I created for a book or three I have delusions of grandeur of writing. ;p

I detailed the appearance of their hands and feet. They look strange because of the ability to go from quadrupedal to bipedal easily. (er...that's how I explain it anyway =p)

There's a vague pic of their double-moon world, Kana'arris, and a genereal stick-like profile of how they look both fully, bipedal, semi-anthro, and fully quadrupedal also.

There are also several busts of different tribes (breeds) of Kana'arrii and their names there, as well as several expressions of the eyes.

I hope to write a novel or three with these guys someday. (Emphasis on the word 'hope' ;p)


Kana'arrii species, world, and concept (c) Violet Whirlwind.

13y210d ago
Other Work By @VioletWhirlwind

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