Shelley L.

Blue Night
Blue Night by @Swift (Shelley L.)

Whee for randomness. I took a long break from drawing (that doesn't include doodles, btw ;) because it was getting me down. There are all these Christmas presents I want to draw for people, a fanfic I want to write but feel awkward starting, not to mention holiday homework to finish XP and so little time...I felt so stressed and constrained by everything that I've just felt like doing nothing at all but stoning in front of the TV. But just now, when I actually sat down and started on a present, I felt much better. I was actually enjoying it, what's more. In fact, it turned out so well that after that I did another picture on Painter-this one. And it turned out pretty well too, so I'm happy. Yep, pointless little anecdote from my boring life, yay. =P

But really, I love this picture. I find it's always the spontaneous ones that turn out best. I just started sketching with my (digital) oil pastels because I didn't feel like doing the sketch in pencil first, like I usually do, and then added watercolour, a background...it put itself together, really. And to crown it all, the title came flying in by itself as well. It was therapy art more than anything else, I think. Whenever I feel jaded or worn thinking about my art, it's good idea to try a new medium or system for a change. Not to mention experimenting is always fun...and sometimes the best discoveries happen by accident!

Alright, I shall stop boring you now =P

Finished Work
20y172d ago
Other Work By @Swift

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