C Fritze

NOAH by @_Gener (C Fritze)

The fairies found him shivering lonely and small in a puddle as it had begun to rain. Large drops were splashing down, bending and pattering the tall grasses and leafy bushes that grew by the Great River. The skies above had become dark and angry with rolling thunder clouds and the baby Unicorn winnied in fear when lightning crackled from above.

"Oh these raindrops are bigger than I am!" Cried Holdel, as she zigzagged in between the rain's empty spaces. Not far behind, tagged along her little brother Abdeil, round and playful as ever despite the threat of a terrible storm.

"Did you see that gnat a few flutters back? He took a drop and boy did he take a nosedive!" Abdeil laughed and alighted a bit heavily on a twig jutting off a scraggly shrub. "Say, how about we race back to Bubbee's, eh? For a sweet?" Abdeil's oversized tummy growled at the thought.

Holdel wasn't paying attention to the boy, her ears were pricked and she hovered beneath a wider branch, listening.

"That sounded like a little ferd..."

(perhaps to be continued)

Finished Work
16y282d ago
Other Work By @_Gener

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