Katie Luna

pic your fights carefully...
pic your fights carefully... by @Kachie_Runa (Katie Luna)

well, i got bored and had nothin to do, so i decided to go back into my files and try to draw one of my characters from my digimon/dbz fic i had a little while back. so, here he is, one of Sky's digimon, Katsumon. (Katsu means victory in japanese.) Katsumon is a powerful digimon with ice base attacks. He was at one time mainly based on renamon but changed a great deal. now he only resembles renamon a lil bit... well, actually a lot, but, whatever. lol. ^-^; .... This scene just kinda came to mind because katsumon is unusually tall for a rookie. (some believe he isn't a rookie, but a champion. no one really knows the truth though.) He's somewhere areound 8 ft. tall. so, yeah. i luv renamon's expression in this pic. i doubt you'll probably ever really see this expression on her so it's rare. oh, and no, that IS NOT Rika beside renamon. I have enough common sense to know what rika looks like. that's just a random girl. ^^; ... (she's just someone we ran into in our story, never really got to know her...) anyway, enough of my rambling on. enjoy the pic... sky & katsumon © katie luna renamon © the creators of digimon ( ^^; )

20y1d ago
Other Work By @Kachie_Runa

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