Hannah Lupton

Been awhile o-o;;
Been awhile o-o;; by @hannlupt (Hannah Lupton)

And I've got more requests to be done where that came from ^^;; But i've been busy setting up a new PC (which was actually quite hard, since I never done it before o_o) and unfortunately, it won't run some games I wanted to play (well, actually just one) -.- because they too old o.o Anyway, this is a friend's villain char Rocky James Raccoon ^^ Yup, he's the same guy who was driving the mech in another image oo;; He asked me to draw him more Sonic Adventure style this time, which I've always wanted to try, actually ^^; Turned out good, I've yet to finish the rest of the image though, and get busy on another request, I just need to cope with doing this on a brand new PC now (which is nerve-racking o_o;;) We haven't bought a new PC in nearly ten years o.o;; And I plan to draw a piccu of another of this guy's villain chars ^-^;; Artwork © Copyright 2003 Hannah Lupton

21y15h ago
Other Work By @hannlupt

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