Lilleah Aawest

Cannibal Centaur
Cannibal Centaur by @westlilleah (Lilleah Aawest)

it thrashes its head to see behind it, but its eyes cannot see. But he can smell his next victim. It turns revealing its misshapen face, its mouth lined with sharp predatory teeth, his body is tattered and has begun to decay. Its mind is gone, no longer does a human mind occupy this centaur’s skull as it has turned to mush. It begins to run seeking out its prey, he can smell which direction it’s coming from and knows it’s not very close. It must travel far as it can only feed on creatures a similar breed…. satyrs. Its very soul is corrupt, possessed long ago and it has regressed into the soul of a demon. It now lives on, a carnivore and a cannibal. It hunts down young centaurs and satyrs. Its victims have no time to react for once they hear his blood curdling cry they are done for, he closes in on them like no earthly creature ever could ripping and tearing at flesh and bone devouring both and leaving not a trace save the blood splattering the ground. And then it moves onward waiting to catch a whiff of its next meal.

please comment on this picture, let me know what you thought about it and that you were here, what you viewers have to say really matter to me.

Teen (V)
20y137d ago
Other Work By @westlilleah

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