Jesse Miles

Preliminary sketch for my Djinn of Darkness
Preliminary sketch for my Djinn of Darkness by @XioNightshard (Jesse Miles)

I have a series of characters who are all reincarnations of elemental Djinn (spirits). Yes, this was partially inspired by Golden Sun, but only the title of Djinn. This one is Onyx (name used to be Jet), and he is the Djinn of Darkness. Being Djinn of Darkness, he can manipulate shadows and teleport using them. Onyx is the kind of guy who doesn't take crap from anyone, not even from his counterpart Ivory. However, he's more likely to just ignore someone than hurt them. But he has no qualms about killing anyone that gets in his way. I tried to use colors for naming my Djinn. Their names are as follows: Magenta (male) - Fire Lavender (male) - Wind Neon (male) - Electricity (youngest Djinn) Onyx (male) - Darkness Fuschia (female) - Psionics Lucid (female) - Time (oldest Djinn) Chautreuce (male) - Plantlife Ivory (male) - Light (and healing) Cerulean (male) - Water Ocher (female) - Earth Cobalt (male) - Ice (little brother of Cerulean) Ashen (female) - Moon Burgundy (female) - Physical Might or Power that comes from within All of them are in the works, and I will have drawings of each of them when I get the time. Artwork © Copyright 2003 Jesse Miles

Teen (N)
21y20d ago
Other Work By @XioNightshard

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