B Sanders

Tremor Command of Ekim Flag - Alt.
Tremor Command of Ekim Flag - Alt. by @fragmented_imagination (B Sanders)

When Starlight Command unveiled their flag at one meeting between the highest generals of each branch and the Chief National Executive, the Tremor Command general accused both Starlight and Gale Commands of not showing proper patriotism and belittling Ekim by relegating the national flag to a canton. Both generals responded with the Ekimian equivalent of "u mad, bro', which sparked over an hour of verbal exchanges between the three branches while the CNE and general of Tsunami Command watched the spit fly in fascination. Once they screamed each other hoarse, the CNE told Tremor Command to quit whining and go make an alternate flag like Tsunami Command had proposed only a few months before. Naturally, there was some opposition to this idea, as the general tried to explain that it is a tradition to maintain a flag even if it has become a little out-dated. The CNE countered that it is also tradition not to have a petty spat when trying to conduct a serious meeting in the CNE's office.

This alternate flag was unveiled about five months after Starlight Command was established. An alternate of this flag with a black field was considered but ultimately rejected as resembling Starlight Command's flag too much. This flag is only flown in locations where all four branches of Ekim's armed forces fly their flags. The original flag is still used to mark Tremor Command's facilities.

© 2024 B Sanders

Finished Work
51d23h ago
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