Jacqueline S. Rainey

Thou Art With Me (Kris)
Thou Art With Me (Kris) by @DarkRaine (Jacqueline S. Rainey)

Yeah so there's this kid that I've known for like...6 (almost 7?...) years now, and I used to think I liked him, no scratch that, I knew I liked him but never told anyone because I knew he'd never feel the same way...

Turns out now I still like him and can't get him off my mind but oh well, cuz I still know he doesn't feel the same way as I do.

Anywho, his name is Kris and he's in a band called Thou Art With Me, and they had their first show yesterday, and this drawing is based off a pic someone took at their show and yeah...:stares off into nothingness:

EDIT: converting this to Jpeg really killed it...

Finished Work
19y155d ago
Other Work By @DarkRaine

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