John Rios

ROAD TRIP!  (First Collegian Drawing of the Fall 2002 Semester!)
ROAD TRIP! (First Collegian Drawing of the Fall 2002 Semester!) by @deaddays (John Rios)

Well, once again I jump into the fray like so many fighting bunnies: A new semester of College and a new semester working for THE COLLEGIAN, my campus newspaper where I make oodles of line art and cartoonies. This here is my first piece for an opinion column about a CRAZY CHICK ROAD TRIP my new Opinion Editor, the great JILL RICHARDS, took with her buddy NANCY. I had fantasies of drawing a remake of the famous illustration from HUNTER S. THOMPSON'S book "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas," but instead I cranked this out in about an hour. Enjoy and on begins a new era of editorial cartooning and Opinion Column art. Expect current events. I'll posts em as I makes em!
-Love, John Artwork © Copyright 2002 John Rios

Finished Work
21y287d ago
Other Work By @deaddays

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