
Chapter 1

A male with cobalt hair opens his dark eyes suddenly, gasping for breath. He felt a cold shiver run down his neck, goosebumps dotting around his arms and legs. The perspiration on the glass door shrouded his vision and he felt his heart rate spike. A scream was beginning to fight its way out, but he stopped himself. Deciding to bang on the door of the sleeping pod instead to see if anyone else can hear him. The noise being the only sound aboard this large, echoing ship. The now awake human with round, almond eyes gets out of the sleeping pod. He hasn’t moved in a while, so his limbs feel like jello. He takes in his surroundings while he exercises his muscles. The lack of activity makes him confused and nervous. The confused human decides to start exploring to figure it out. He slowly makes his way from the room into a damaged hallway, his fear turns to determination to figure out what is going on. The once hibernating man stops at a broken panel, pressing some buttons.

A crackly voice comes out a speaker, sounding robotic and non-human, “Authorization required, please name your name and function.”

He clears his throat, leaning close to the speaker, “Crewmate Uzumaki Mai, biologist and botanist.”

There was a short silence then the AI responded, “Good morning, Crewmate Uzumaki. You are now authorized.” Mai taps away at the keyboard, gaining access to the ship’s logs. Even with the screen cracked, and glitchy, it seems like everything was normal then the logs just stopped.

Mai stumbles away to find anyone else, maybe find something more fitting to wear than the white tank top and shorts he had on. He wanders for what seems like hours, no one was found during this time. This part of the ship seems unnaturally empty, like they have all disappeared. In the hallway, the tense male happens to see through a rectangular window that shows the first glimpse of the outside world. Mai feels a slow and steady panic start to set in. The freaked out botanist tries to fight it. But now he knows something is definitely wrong. This is not where they should be. He is a botanist, but he doesn’t recognise the biome. The foliage and the trees look more wild, primal with vibrant colors mixed in with the rustic colors, making him more nervous than he already was. Mai becomes even more desperate to find someone else. The bewildered man’s face drained of its color. He turned away, heading to a storage closet for a uniform. Mai puts it on, heading back to the open spot, and checks his oxygen tank before heading out towards the foreign planet the ship crashed on.

He treks through the unfamiliar biome, his mind whirling with all the new information he is experiencing as he goes on. A voice suddenly speaks into the short statured person’s ear, startling him, and he stops.

It speaks again, sounding similar to the one the panel admitted, “Caution, the planet is hostile. All personnel proceed to the emergency bunker. Caution, the planet is hostile. All personnel proce-''.

Mai’s breath hitches, an ominous feeling washing over him . He presses a button on his helmet, responding, “Okay, Tal. Shut off the alarm.” The voice stops, seemingly waiting for new orders.

The now wary human sighs, “Can you run a diagnostic scan on me? Make sure I’m not infected with anything.”

A grid light appeared inside his helmet, scanning his entire body before Tal speaking, “Scan completed, no foreign anomalies found.”

Mai relaxes a little, “Tal, is there any way to find more parts of the ship? Like blueprints or something.” He was never so relieved for the rigorous emergency training he had gotten back on earth

The AI answered him swiftly, not missing a beat, “Showing blueprints of the ship, calculating trajectory of other ship pieces.”

He nods, looking at the resources shown with a serious look on his face, “Thank you, Tal. Hmm, looks like another part of the ship is a few yards away. It seems like one of the housing units, hopefully I can get there by nightfall.”

The newly determined adult continues on his trek, reaching the other part of the ship just in the nic of time. Mai opens the door with a little trouble, slipping inside before it shuts with a heavy thunk.

Tal speaks once again, “Warning, Oxygen levels unstable. Please stand by while levels stabilize.”

Mai stood by the door for a few minutes, walking deeper in once he was given the okay, and started looking around the new space, laying out supplies he would need in the future. He sighs, walking to the decontaminator he saw before.

Taking off his suit, placing it on a hanger, “Tal, please start the decontamination process for tube A1.”

Tal responds, now through a speaker above, “Initiating decontaminating sequence, all personnel must remember to breathe slowly and evenly. Slowly, turn in a circle while the cleaning mist is on.”

The now exhausted space explorer steps in, doing as he is told, and coming out once he is done. Mai decided to eat something and rest, too sore and tired for any more exploring. He walked over to a cot, laying gingerly down on it. The now refreshed astronaut closes his eyes, hoping to get a little sleep.

An alarm blares loudly, Tal’s voice rings loudly, “Danger!! Unknown entity close by. Danger, unknown entity close by!!”

That woke up him instantly, his eyes snapping open, and he quickly got off the cot, hearing noises close by. Getting closer. Mai sneaks towards the doorway of the bedroom, his mind racing with trying to figure out how to escape. He steps closer to the doorway, peeking his head out. Three glowing eyes stare at him, petrifying him and the strange figure steps closer, making chattering and low humming noises as it does. The scared crewmate backs away sluggishly, panic overwhelming his body and mind, eyes darting around to look for a way to flee.


So, I decided to write another story to get the creative juices going, it is also the first time I wrote a sci-fi like story. I hope you all like it, remember criticism is welcomed, and please, read my other stories if you can. Tune in for more! ^>^

Descendants Of Hope Chapter 1 by @ArtnGamingWonderland (Alice)

A crew of humans, as while as a many civilians in a huge ship set out to find a new home then crash on an alien planet. Now it is up to a biologist/botanist to find the rest of the crew, and get off the planet. There will be plenty of twists, and maybe…love?

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