Admiral Legion uniform sketch
Admiral Legion uniform sketch by @Bubs_Cooper

I decided to share this because it was another practice session but it was something that was floating around in my mind rent free for a long while, so I had to draw it out before I could forget it again. This uniform was designed specifically for ShadowSly since he is the one who founded an army called the Umbran Legion. I'll explain that when I get to it, but right now I'm just throwing this out there. I'm using the original concept I made because it just helps out a lot.. this is an edited version because it's just a sketch. I want to give you all a general idea what I drew not to use it. Unless if you ask. I designed the upper part based on a fringe jacket as well as other Northern American Indian tribes such as pattern design, etc. while the lower part has the same thing. I was balancing that while keeping the StarFox esc style at the same time making it original.

Rough / Concept
24d3h ago
Other Work By @Bubs_Cooper
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