John Rios

Dead Days 1/3/03
Dead Days 1/3/03 by @deaddays (John Rios)

HAPPY NEW FRIGGIN YEAR! AYE! AYE! AYE and so on and so forth. Well, this is officially the first Dead Days of 2003! And the 4th part of the Math Major Man series! Well, things are starting to get interesting (oh, great, it's the SECOND TO LAST MMM strip and things are JUST NOW getting interesting. I gotta learn how to speed up the metabolism of these damn things.) Anyway, I promise that the last comic will end in an action extravaganza, and you know what I mean, when I say EXTRAVAGANZA right? Yes folks, you're pretty much in for a big ol' let down, but don't let that stop you from syking yourselves up for the biggest CRAZYEST battle ever!!!! sigh. Keep in mind that I only have 8 tiny panels to work with, so it's gonna be crap. But enjoy this strip folks. It's not nearly as crappy. Adios. Love, Johnny. Oh! P.S. The Grand Canyon was totally bigger than I thought the thing was gonna be. It was, like, really, really, REALLY, really, REALLLLLY big! it's a big canyon! I swear it's figgin huge! Me and Shellie had a bonifide blast. Need... to do... it again... sooooon! (look at my bio to see some pics from the trip! if your interested... which you really have no reason to be, but still, they're there in case... you know... you wanna satisfy you're voyeurish tendancies. I'ma shut up now.) Artwork © Copyright 2003 John Rios

Teen (L)
Finished Work
21y156d ago
Other Work By @deaddays

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