Violet Whirlwind

Serenity and her future kids
Serenity and her future kids by @VioletWhirlwind (Violet Whirlwind)

Reni with her three future childeren. Yes they are triplets, but not THOSE triplets. =P Though I do like SU. That's beside the point.

I don't really think Reni'd really be able to maintain such a delicate-looking hold on her son's tail with him running like that, but...:shrug: And I'm sure the proportions are off...AGAIN. >.< Proportion doesn't like me.

Anyway, Silence is chewing on her mom's ear. XD They're about seven here...or something like that. Electra's about to toast her brother Tranquility with some ball lightning, and he's obliviously running around razz-ing her. XD Poor Reni only has a tenuous control of the situation and her own nerves...

RENI: Electra, don't zap your brother...Tranq, stop provoking your sister...Silence...honey....please stop chewing on Mommy's ear...

Serenity, Silence, Tranquility, and Electra (c) Violet Whirlwind.

13y253d ago
Other Work By @VioletWhirlwind

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