Fifth Stage Erikson

Canden by @Fifth (Fifth Stage Erikson)

An Open Canvas drawing of Taym's youngest brother, Canden. See, I just got OC, and I'm still trying to grasp how things work, so this looks kinda pathetic compared to what I KNOW can be done with it. Although I must also claim that my mouse is on its last leg, and was heartily protesting being made to draw.

This is the first time I've ever really drawn Canden, although he's been scribbled in various places repeatedly. So I'm still refining his look. In this picture he gained the chin-hair, which I find irritating, though he would, naturally, like it. He's 18 now, so the family ban on facial hair has been lifted off of him and he's retaliating.

Canden is a male bellydancer. Before you laugh, in its original state, men danced as much as women, and in some places, they still dance more than women. It was, after all, a folk dance, and everyone participates in a folk dance.

Critique me harshly, I thrive on it. :D Just keep in mind that this is not something I sat down and poured my heart into. :D

Finished Work
20y64d ago
Other Work By @Fifth

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