Violet Whirlwind

Critters 32: Aspedochelone Egg
Critters 32: Aspedochelone Egg by @VioletWhirlwind (Violet Whirlwind)

Old stuff first. Getting into better critters now.

Part 1 of 4.

Egg of the giant turtle that is often mistaken for an island. I figured...in the adult stage (coming soon), they are too big to actually come onto shore to lay eggs, so the eggs are instead laid in kelp forests in the tropics. They have an air bubble at the top of the egg that allows the baby inside to breathe, and also keeps the egg floating at the surface, so it can be warmed and incubated by the sun. Laying the eggs in a kelp forest keeps them from drifting into colder climates, and also somewhat shields them from would-be predators.

(overthinking this? Me? Naaaah...)

image (c) Violet Whirlwind

14y298d ago
Other Work By @VioletWhirlwind

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