Amanda Lien

jungle dragon
jungle dragon by @alienfirst (Amanda Lien)

I have this whole big evolutionary line of dragons planned out ^^ This is the first in the line (I guess you could call it a prehistoric dragon), the small arms in the front would eventually evolve into the forelegs of the fire, mountain, and water dragons, while the forelegs would evolve into wings. Why did I do it that way? Well, all my dragons I imagine as having very verstile forelegs so this just seemed accurate. Lesse, what else... it's obviously shorter in length and height because it lives in the jungle and can't have a huge tail whap everything in sight ^^ Now, for those of you who are MiB inclined you're probably thinking, "Those are X's ears." You're pretty close to the truth. I've taken a little artistic license with Agent X in my story (since he is rather important near the end). At some point, Shakira points out that the Jeedangians (X's species, hope I'm remembering it right >_<) are descended from the jungle dragons. This makes Samantha incredibly angry, because even though she gets along fine with X, she doesn't think he's good enough to be related to anything that has to do with dragons. This also makes X not very happy since Samantha is part dragon, and other than working with her, he wants nothing to do with her. Hmm... I just realized I called it my story again, gotta stop doing that, it now has a title! Mode Ryuu!

Rough / Concept
22y171d ago
Other Work By @alienfirst

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