
Nár by @kina (Kina)

Nén is the dragon of the fire (pronunced Neen, her name means exactly "fire" in elfic languaje :P). A female. She is very serious, rational, wise and a little individually... but she is very aggressive in battle, and she calculates each step that she gives. Nén is only affectionate and fearful with its master, Léithen (patience, soon I will have published the fanfic although in Spanish:P) to who eh protects with euphoria.

She has great part of the body made of fire that can control to will. If she doesn't want that their master burns, he can make disappear the heat of the flames. She can toss authentic burning clouds as much for the nose as for the mouth, the fire is so hot that it can melt until the diamond. She can also toss lava for the mouth.

20y73d ago
Other Work By @kina

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