Martin Gray

Two Toon Titans
Two Toon Titans by @martgray (Martin Gray)


Ok, This needs a bit of an explanation: I was cleaning out my room, and I found a regular treasure trove of my REALLY old work(I'm talking at least 5 years old, maybe even older.) and it was actually presurved pretty well considering how messy my room is, some of them are even comics I forgot that I drew. I've desided to take a few of the drawings I find and submit them, just to compare how much my style has changed.

Anyway, these characters are superheros I created for the TOON Rpg(a role playing game where you play as a cartoon character.). I actually created a lot of characters for Toon that I liked a lot, some of which I still draw(Like Basket Kate and Batty Buddy). Anyway, these guys are from the Supertoon world (Part of the Tooniverse)

Top: The Nervous Wrecker and his sidekick; Jitterbug. NW is a cowardly squirrel who's major power is that when he gets scared, he starts to shake so violently that he becomes a living jackhammer, leaving a trail of destruction behind him. Fortunatly, a nice hot cup of cocoa can usually calm him down.

Bottom: Cataclysm. A Spawn-like superhero cat who's superpower is a large orb of compleate and total darkness that surrounds him and follows him around(Currently in the picture its not quite as dark so you can see how he looks.). He also has a few cool gadgets and stuff, but the darkness thing is his major ability, cause... well, if they can't see him in the darkness they can't hit him. His weekness is, of course, catnip. If he smells catnip, he becomes destracted and his darkness fades a little, leaving him vulnerable. Artwork © Copyright 2003 Martin Gray

21y6h ago
Other Work By @martgray

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