Neo Yi

The prince of Treno
The prince of Treno by @neoyi (Neo Yi)

I made up a whole history behind Vivi in which he wasn't exactly "made' as he always thought. Now, I suggest people who hasn't played the complete FF9 to back away as this paragraph is chock full of spoilers. Let's see, Kuja lived in Terra where magical people were first originated from. So needless to say, he met with a female black mage terran named Penelope and her brothers, Ian and Grabriel (I named them, after my cousins). She and Kuja got together and had a kid together. After a while, she was killed along with her brothers in Terra during an invasion of creatures of unspeakable looks (the creatures are the ones you see in the FF movie, I thought they would make great inhabitats of Terra). Anywho, Kuja later travels to Gaia to look for Eidolons which serves as his goal in the game until in the middle of disc 3, and to escape the pain of losing his lover and child. He uses mist to build....the Black Waltzes which all look like Penelope and her brothers! I'm sure you know BW2 is the girl (yes, I think BW2 is a girl). Naturally, Kuja was drawn to her and they ended up having a child in the city of Treno where Kuja was "king" as Treno is a Chess piece style city setting. Thus, a child black mage was born, wingless and tailess...he was given the name Vance Icabond Oriniter, a high class nobel of Treno. It was when he was 8 when Vance was taken a ride on an airship to Alexandria to see the play, "I wanna be your canary." Since it was getting stormy, the ship rocked a lot and Vance hit his head while he was out on the deck. After thate, he fell and Quan caught him while he was fishing. Vance couldn't remember who he was, only his birthday and age...so Quan named him Vivi...and the rest is history. This is 8-year old Vivi in noble high class black mage clothes. Complete with purple like his father. -Neo

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Neo Yi

Finished Work
21y124d ago
Other Work By @neoyi

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