John Rios

Girlfriend Tax Part 3
Girlfriend Tax Part 3 by @deaddays (John Rios)

Sup yo. Um, hey! Here's Dead Days Girlfriend Tax part 3 (the last and final part you know)! I showed this to my friend Jessica who said, "HAHAHA! Yeah, sock it to the groin sister!" which I thought was exceedingly funny. I guess this is my apology for being so mean to the ladies. I thought you gals should end with the upper hand after the last two strips. But twas all in good fun! And that's one more Dead Days checked off the list (the last 3 count for 1. Bummer huh). Anyway, I have a bunch more written so they'll be coming around soon enough. For now, I think I'll take a Dead Days break and draw a few other things. Just to break up the monotony. So I'll be back with more stuff later! Thanks for reading this little series! Hope it brought you a few laughs. Or a smile. Shoot, I'd settle for a completely unrelated sneeze. BYE! -John Artwork © Copyright 2003 John Rios

Teen (L)
Finished Work
21y9d ago
Other Work By @deaddays

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