Jade Dragon

When the World Unfolds
When the World Unfolds by @JadeDragon (Jade Dragon)

One night, I had a nightmare about the world coming to an end. All over, the world began to shake violently. Eventually, these earthquakes destroyed all living things, much to my dismay. Somehow, I didn't die, however, and ended up in outer space. It was here that I watched with horor as the world unfolded inside out--to reveal that the inside was really an obsidian-like rock with sparkling veins of some pink substance. Then, when I looked even closer, I noticed that it was not rock at all; in fact, it was a great, terrible dragon with at least six gargantuan wings and a cold yellow eye. The size of the creature, and the realization that the Earth I knew was gone suddenly dawned on me, envoking a terrible fear....then, of course, I woke up.

Definately one of my crazier dreams. This drawing was whipped up pretty quickly, inspired by that nightmare's dragon (though, unfortunately, it doesn't do the creature justice).

18y274d ago
Other Work By @JadeDragon

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