What a relief
What a relief by @Eternity9

Been going through a lot lately with my health for months and had been stressed about it, especially as I had to wait a month to get a test done, while being in pain, feeling awful and also waking up in the middle of night in more pain, but early this month I got got good news and it wasn't my worse fear/concern and I needed to change my medication. It's a relief as so many of my symptoms were pointing to a scary possibly or either needing surgery or other stuff and I had started making plans of what I would do if it was the worst case scenario.

It always sucks going on new medication as my brain felt like I was trying to think through Jello for the last several days, everything felt slow and sluggish but that's starting to clear up and so far the pain is almost 100% gone, keep waking up in the middle of the night for no reason, but I think my brain got so used to doing that, its made it a part of my sleep cycle hopefully that will change.

I guess part of me is scared to say I feel 'better' as if I would jinx myself, but its been scary as my health seemed really bad because it seemed I would catch something everything month for the last several months making me sick again when before me being really sick was like a once a year thing. I'll have to wait and see if I stay 'better' and be more myself again, but ended up drawing this pic with two OC's I hardly draw Florence the Quilladin and Aella the Pikachu.

Not a lot to say about it, just wanted to draw how I felt and be able to move on from the feelings I've been dealing with, and just the simple picture just felt right even with such rarely used OC's their shape and colour just also felt right with my mood. Anyway I'll be publicly opening commissions soon as I wanted to give myself more time to recover from the stress and the new medication, but I feel that I can do that now.

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