Velasa Akutenshi

Tambourine by @Velasa (Velasa Akutenshi)

..... One of my best friends has a DBZ fanfic, by the name of "Dark Star: Book 1". It's honestly one of the best things I've ever read. It takes the original gray area between DB and Z, with only one change.... That the other four of Damaiou's 'sons' had been nameccian as well, and not died in the time after the Budokai. And I can say, with no inhibition or stalling, that one of those characters is the most frightening person I ever hope to avoid.

This, is the sadistic empath known as Tambourine.

I can't truly describe Him... To put it as one of my other friends once did- "Highly intelligent, sadistic, calm, unwavering belief in his own invincibility. His attitude makes me shiver. He is so manipulative, but in such a way that you don't notice it till the chalice drops from your hand as the nightshade in your drink courses you veins to your mind. "

The same friend also once compared him to Hannibal Lector, save the fact that the latter was humanoid and a cannibal.

Am I babbling? Probably. If you ever have some free time, here's the link to the fic. It's far from a waste of time.


Artwork © Copyright 2002 Velasa -san

21y257d ago
Other Work By @Velasa

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