Meaghan Edwards

Syann Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Back in 1998 or so, my friend Rachel Craig had an extra lioness character that she didn't use too often in a now defunct role playing Lion King forum. At the time, I had two male lion characters, but no lionesses. So, she gave Syann to me :)

Syann is a "special" lioness. At the time when I started roleplaying, many of the lioness characters that other people roleplayed all looked too similar to the existing Lion King characters. I decided to make her ordinary, with regular, non eyecatching markings. The only thing "special" about her appearance was her whiskers (all the other lionesses were whiskerless).

Syann's persoality is also something I developed; I made her into a independant, often moody and very domineering lioness that isn't too keen about others, but at the same time, isn't heartless, and is not a villain. She has a mate named Khaydarin, a dark maned handsome fellow who is scout for The Royal Guards of His Majesty's Kingdom, The Havenlands. She currently has no cubs, and, despite her coming into heat, never succeeding into having any.

Age: middle aged; about seven or eight years of age Weight: 350 pounds (she is quite a big gal; not overweight, just big) Height: about four feet at the shoulder