Alyssa O

Alitzi Opalir Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Name: Alitzi

Age: Adult (30's)

Species: Husky anthro

Gender: Female

Personality: Used to be cheerful and ditzy. But is kind of mopy now that she looks back on life. She's a nice person, and she usually won't turn anyone down on a favour.

History: Started out as a sugerhigh freak, until she became diabetic. She had a normal boring life, a few bf's, her favorite being Asmodai. Not soon before, she, being part of a gang and out to kill a man her sister loved, known as Outlaw, in turn got herself killed. Luckily for her, Calli saved her life. She also has depression and has tried to kill herself once. Then, Sky found a baby in the park, and gave it to her, and that was Betelgeuse, her adoptive daughter. Her cousin is Alopi, her bro/sis are Toby and Baby. Her main thing in life now is focusing on keeping the band, SugarBuzz together, and keeping her daughter out of trouble. However, she's mostly given up on love and family, and mostly sits around looking out the window.

Desc: Currently, she wears a pink t-shirt with a sun on it over a white logsleeve, and a pair of overalls with the top bit hanging down. Her hair is blonde and blue-tips in a short choppy cut with thick black glasses and black all-stars.