Sarah K

lorelei Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

age: 19 //
date created: sometime in early september, 2003 //
sex: female
species: walking bomb //

lorelei was originally a cloud sculpture that a very bored god formed. as he was a vain god, he said to himself, "self, you're the best artist ever. such beauty should not be blown out of shape." as he was a stupid god, he accidentally killed himself while giving life to the sculpture. lorelei promptly fell from the sky with no idea what the bloody heck was happening. what a way to enter the world! because of the immense power the god possessed, lorelei's blood is extremely dangerous: it can melt, freeze, poison, and many other things which she hasn't quite figured out yet. unfortunately she cannot harm metal. i made that up one day when someone asked me how she had all those piercings if her blood was so lethal. me: ...asd;skfsldfg i'm so stupid change!