B Sanders

Misty Character Reference

Species: Comic Series
Age: 14
Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

In stark contrast to Orenda, we have Misty. And, by stark, we mean that she spends more time ignoring the world than all the Buddhists in Asia. Misty has a very solemn demeanor and prefers to not use her voice. Instead, she always has her nose in one book or another, enjoying it in silence that would stifle any other story. When she does speak, she chooses to mess with the other stories by speaking only Rosjusij (her story’s Russian equivalent) unless she explicitly needs something. Which is such a rare thing that Jenny keeps a pool running so that the other stories can take bets as to the next time she will talk to them without giving the impression she considers them dumber than a box of radishes. And she can go for quite a while. No one knows what she regularly reads because she will walk away when approached by another.

<-- I mean, seriously, we couldn't even get her to come in for a picture!


She is the only one of the stories that has heterochromatic eyes. She is also the only one who wears glasses.



  • Not reading.
  • Russian reversals.

Her stories serve as part of the bridge between Alexandra and Umi. She also connects Connie to the overall multiverse.