B Sanders

Jerry Character Reference

Species: Novel
Age: 18
Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

When the opinion of a jock is necessary, people eventually turn to Jerry. Jerry is the true wild party girl of the group, only acting military in the mildest of attitudes and always on the lookout for a good time. If a party gets dull, one can expect Jerry’s untamed shenanigans to kick the party back off the ground, spank it, and chuck it into a tornado. And, if possible, she will literally do all that. We’re convinced she would. Her hotheaded, impulsive nature is likely the result of her story, being about fighter pilots who breathe adventure. This also contributes to her ability to fly anything. And we mean anything. Atmospheric fighters, bombers, cargo planes, spaceships, starships… she’s even been known to lasso Nuagette and fly her! Uh… not that… we were supposed to mention that…


She is capable of flying most forms of aircraft and spacecraft. She specializes in small craft such as stunt craft and military fighter craft.




Being grounded (which occasionally means exactly what it sounds like).


Her story occurs in the interim between Umi and Kelsey.