B Sanders

Yunhiti Character Reference

Species: Comic Series
Age: 13
Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

A dedicated computer geek mostly because Yunhiti is nothing but a computer. Well, an anthropomorphic computer. Despite this, she still acts like everything is part of a computer. She can’t simply refer to emotions as emotions; they have to be “routines”. Any action she takes has to be a “function”. Any piece of fiction has to be referred to as “files”, and she tends to confuse the other stories for “programs”. She often tries to speak to more primitive computers and regularly defends them from Carrie. She is good at maintaining a healthy show of emotions, though, and knows how to loosen up. It’s not as if her quirks are unfounded. She stores and sorts digital values and media like any other computer. She just… has a hard time differentiating that from reality.

  • Her name is a phonetic spelling of the word "unity" in her native language, Basecode. For brevity, she is often referred to as "Yuni".
  • Has a tendency to utter "autosounds", phonetic representations of her emotions which she is often unaware that she is doing. The other stories like to confuse her just to cause her to make the sound "qwert".
  • The plastic clips on her hair contain lights that respond to her emotional state. They change color in response to her feelings.
    • Green: Standard operation
    • Yellow: Sleepy
    • Pink: Hurt/In pain
    • Red: Angry
    • Blue: Sad/Depressed
    • Orange: Busy/Exhausted
    • Clear: Offline/Sleeping

She hates when the others try to spell her name "Unity" in Basecode. It doesn't read right.


Connects to Kelsey through the prevalence of artificial intelligence in Kelsey's timeline.